Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Shades of Pale Blues Artsilk (100gms)

In between writing and knitting, I've been painting silks -- above is a sample hank of silk from India  -- super-shiny, thin silk. It's a bear to reskein. The hank is actually paler than this photo appears on my screen. Hope you can see it right on yours.

Cut Velvet Silk Hand-Painted Scarf

Above Cut Velvet Scarf - Sold to a lovely woman who came by with her family on Sunday. Her husband was such a sweetheart -- he spotted the scarf first and told his wife to have a look. It is gorgeous on her. Confession: this was my favourite of the lot -- there's something about the texture of the velvet that is fab. Like the satin devore scarves, the velvets are all hand-hemmed. 

Silk Devore Hand-Painted Scarves

Thank you to Nadia,  one of the Yarn readers who came by to see what might spark her spinning imagination.  There's NO MORE Roclans mohair/wool top for sale. All gorn.

Kate, the genius at Roclans, dyes her fleeces then sends them to a small Pennsylvania mill for processing. They return in multi-coloured fantasmagoric blends. It's boutique quality top and I'm in love with it.  But it is a rare treat, as importing top to Australia is a bit, well, silly. I brought that back with me. Might just have to fly back for more (just kidding). 

Fear not, as I have more interesting spinning fibre for sale, including:

Blue-Faced Leicester from Overlook Manor Farm -- a gold/brown/natural blend and a mermaid-ish green and blue. Limited amounts available; $12.00 per 100 gms. 

In addition, if you prefer natural wool for spinning, there is:

soy top $10.00 per 100 gm; pure, organic top from NSW $10.00 per 100gm, and SA coloured sheep sliver $6.00 per 100 gm. 

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