Well, another interesting week has gone and it's straight into this one. The highlight so far has been a new idea for a teapot cosy. I am sneaking this project into my schedule, which is rather insane, but I just need to tackle it. I reckon it needs to be purple, non?
It's hard to believe, but I'm working on the USA schedule. It seems like I JUST GOT BACK. But I didn't. This makes family in USA eversohappy, but I look at my precious Lytapup and sigh. I hate to leave her. And all the things happening here.
So, the sock from last week's post will be an orphan 'til the next. The gloves for the One-Hank Happiness club goes out this week.
One Hank Happiness gloVe
And I'm sure I'm not listing everything. Except for testing some fibre for April Spindlers , I've hidden the others to ensure I don't get into trouble.
And have I mentioned I want to play with:
Little John Merino/Silk Fine
Ruined Pennies in Cashmere dk