And my apologies to all who missed out on the wool sock yarn and banana palm silk/banana smoothie kits. I have ordered more sock wool (more of the good stuff people!) and the silk is drying on the racks as I type. If you are seeking sock wool, email your colour suggestions to: strandedinoz at gmail dot com early this week.
This week's banana palm silk colours: mid-green (a bit Kermity!), reddish purple (deep beetrooty), and a deeeep red, because I get so many requests for it.
There's another batch of soy on the way, this time in a wild purple mix (by request).
Smoothie kits are $35.00 ($30.oo if you say you already have the latest issue of YARN). $5.00 postage within Oz, (sans insurance).
The Kollage Square Needles are SOLD OUT. If you would like to try a pair, please let me know by the end of the week, when I am putting in my new order.

And a special thank you to the people who came 'round to give me a loo break, a sanger, or a cup of java, especially Judith, Kate, and Vellan. That was ace.
Mel, still stranded!
Nice meeting you at the show. Luvin my banana silk sick. I haven't knit with it yet...but I am picking it up and playing with it from time to time! Friends love the (?Batman?) spindle....but want to know when I'm going to learn to use it properly :)
Thanks Button! Glad you are loving the banana. New photos are up of the latest batch. Too bad the irridescence of this batch just doesn't photograph. Like an opalescent sheen. Too kewl. Yup, you scored the Darth Vader spindle, which I dearly loved. Glad it went to a good home.
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