After having a yummy cup of Green Mountain Coffee, saying hello to the folks at Green Mountain Spinnery, I headed out to the toilet building from the show shed. It didn't take more than 5 seconds for me to slip on a patch of muddy grass, go down on my ass, and then... disaster registers -- my ankle.... in pieces.
I don't remember much after that -- Margot, the cashmere sheepherder, and also trained as a nurse, held my hand as I went into shock. The incredibly kind and professional paramedics, the very long ride to a hospital. Then, a nice young doctor, who said, this is going to hurt...
And then, I don't remember much of the following 24hrs. Once my dislocated (you just don't want to know what it looked like) and multiply-broken ankle had been set, I was admitted to the little hospital in Randolph, Vermont. After SIX days waiting for surgery (yeah, I really really messed up the ankle), I was told that it was still going to be a wait for surgery.
Thanks to my parents in Maryland, I was taken back to Easton, MD (near Annapolis, for those who like checking maps), to await surgery there. Driving 750 miles in a toe to thigh pre-op cast, with bones that need permanent pins) isn't much fun. I don't recommend it.
I'm happy to report that the surgery went well on Monday and that I'm safely ensconced on the parental lounge. Dad's set up a small tv (with cable!) and I'm typing away on the notebook 'puter sister Melanie gave me.
I can't really articulate my disappointment adequately at the moment. I spent all year saying I can't wait to see the goats at Vermont Sheep and Wool. Didn't see a-one.
BIG THANK you to the customers who came by, left good wishes, and purchased yarn in my absence. Thank you so very much. Knit it all in good health and happiness!
The show yarn and fibre is with me here in Easton, MD. If you wish to place an order, or have questions, please email me at melissa AT strandedinoz DOT com. As the healing takes hold, I will be loading new things online, so stay tuned!
Here's what my husband has sent to keep me company in the US:
As I type, there's a squirrel who's decided to climb up the screening around my parents' porch dining area. It's very funny watching him scurry upside down around the perimeter.
Mel, in Easton, Maryland
wow Mel. sorry i didnt see this earlier. I was just thinking of you and some projects i want to do with some of your yarn and i thought i would check out the blog and see how your trip is going (sorry bad word to use i guess lol).
I really hope you recover soon and get back here to your husband and your puppy.
thanks maaaate.Awww. I'm jealous of your needles! Whilest I'm unable to paint at the moment, I'm taking the time to work on some new designs for the summer season. Puppy is now sleeping on my side of the bed, I am told, so it will be a challenge to re-assert the hierarchy in the household!
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