Sunday 1 March 2009

Spindle Shots -- quick photos

Trippy Chuppah Whorl

Large Gemstone Spindle

Jasper Drop Spindle

Pale Gold Quartz Spindle

Cammo Chuppah Whorl Spindle

Here are some spindles I have for sale at the moment. The photos aren't flash, but the spindles are. I'm using a jasperstone spindle at the moment for spinning laceweight and it's coming up beautiful. There are several awaiting construction, including a fave -- black and white Darth Vadery whorl. If you'd like to know the weight of a particular spindle, please email for details.

Thank you to the customer who came by this am to talk spinning, dyeing, and all manners fibrey. The supply of organic merino top just got very small! It's hard to pass up Australian organic merino. And the NEW SARI FIBRE is going faaaaaaaaaast. It's so cool. I promise to post photos asap this week.

As soon as the inventory is completed, I will be posting photos of the new fibres and yarns from Nepal that have just arrived.

The sock knitters are still going strong -- and hello to everyone who has started their first peasant heel sock! They're looking great. The new supply of traditional sock yarn is getting through the process -- first up is Friar Tuck - $24.00 per 100 gms.

See you at the Port, Melissa

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